
Build Your Own Forage Mix | Please Read Description | 100% Organic and Healthy Treats for Rabbits, Guinea Pigs, and Other Small Pets


Hi everyone! * PLEASE EMAIL ME at fluffybunconfections@gmail.com with what you’d like IF the note feature does not work! 💚 if it works, no need to email :) 

We are so excited to announce our build your own forage mix as it was highly requested.

1) Cornflowers
2) Dandelion Leaf
3) Oat Tops
4) Rose Buds Whole
5) Dandelion Root
6) Hibiscus
7) Lemon Balm
8) Goji Berries
9) Pink Rose Petals
10) Red Rose Petals
11) Dehydrated Papaya 
12) Dehydrated Banana 

(13) Strawberry Leaf Herb
14) Marigold (Calendula)
15) Chamomile
16) Echinacea (Not Pictured)
17) Hawthorn Leaf (Not Pictured)
18) Plantain Leaf (Not Pictured)
19) Peppermint Leaf (Not Pictured)
20) Thyme (Not Pictured)
21) Raspberry Leaf (Not Pictured)
22) Marjoram (Not Pictured)
23) Nettle Leaf (Not Pictured)
24) Comfrey Leaf (Not Pictured)
25) Licorice Root (Not Pictured)
26) Marshmallow Root (Not Pictured)
27) Slippery Elm Bark (Not Pictured)
28) Rose Hips
29) Lavender
30) Dehydrated Apples

31) Elderberry


- When ordering please determine at *MINIMUM* 7-8 herbs/flowers.
- Notate on the personalization notate which herbs by the numbers listed down below.

EXAMPLE: I am ordering 1-4 6,7,9,12 so in the personalization I would put "I would like 1-4, 6,7,9,12 for my selection" :)

Your forage mix will be in a bag NOT the box since the box doesn't always fit all herbs/flowers.

We will make the forage for you so it will not arrive in separate baggies and will be all together beautifully put together :)

You can order as low as 1, 2 and 3 ounces


Please only give 1-2 spoons everyday to your bunny.

Perfect for a fun time for your bunnies to forage for herbs, to sprinkle on hay for picky hay eaters, or as a yummy treat for your baby!

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.

Please always read our FAQs before ordering.

- Lisa

Website: Fluffybunconfections.com
Email: Fluffybunconfections@gmail.com
Instagram: FluffyBunConfections

Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Best Forage!

This is such a great idea! It looks great and smells amazing. Most importantly my buns love it. My one guy almost knocked the spoon out of my hand trying to get at it!

Alexandra Gidley
My rabbits loved their forage treat!

My rabbits really loved searching for their favorite tidbits in their forage mix. It was so cute how the lavender petals would get caught on their whiskers!

Shannon Twohig

I bought the build your own mix for my big bunny, who is weirdly picky about forage mixes. I like being able to pick the elements that I know she likes. She LOVES this forage-it's beautiful, and smells so good. She pounces on it as soon as I put some on her hay